Chronial's Foobar Components

All my components are compatible with foobar 0.9.
Sourcecode is available on my GitHub account.

 Chronial <my mail adress - if you can't read from the image, contact me via hydrogenaudio forums>


Current Version

Version 0.2.3 (2007-03-31) (download)


This component allows you to generate a playlist from an artist's charts (eg. Metallica). It also allows you to sort a selection in the playlist by the artist's charts.

If you're feeling funky you may also generate a playlist full of songs (hopefully ;) similar to the selected one. The component uses the similar artists list for this.

It downloads the data feed from the server (eg. Metallica), looks for these tracks in your Music Library and puts these into a new playlist.


Hydrogenaudio Thread

Source Code

GitHub Repository


This will obviously need your music to be tagged correctly (and in the same way as on - this is usually the musicbrainz way).

The proxy configuration is taken from IE - so if you use a proxy for accessing the internet, make sure it is set up correctly in IE. This component will obviously only work while you're online. Offline support (caching) may be added later.

The diference between Similar Artists Charts and Similar Artists Shuffle is that Similar Charts uses the charts of the similar artists to generate the playlist, while shuffle selects random songs of the similar artists.



Current Version / Changelog

See GitHub


This component provides a new context menu item "place after current playing", that allows you to place any tracks after the current playing one in the playing playlist. It comes with various settings to change it's behavior like having your tracks moved or copied or having them enqueued if the playing playlist is locked.

This is very useful as default doubleclick action for stuff like database search or album list.

Source Code

GitHub Repository


Current Version

Version 0.2.3 (2006-12-17) (download)



Hydrogenaudio Thread


Title Formatting:
The default string contains a space at the beginning - this is intentional, so there is some padding at the left border. Remove it if you don't like that.
You can use the special fields %list_index% and %list_total%.

Old Versions



Current Version

Version 1.4 (2007-09-02) (download)


This component removes tracks from the playlist once they've been played or skipped. So every time playback advances, the previously played track will disappear from the playlist. The component can be enabled and disabled via a toogle in the Playback menu.


Hydrogenaudio Thread

Source Code

GitHub Repository



Current Version

Version 0.96 (2007-03-26) (download)


This component emulates a Winamp window so existing plugins you have that use the Winamp API can continue to work with foobar2000 with minimal trouble.

This component was created by R1CH, who stopped developement at v0.90. Since then I have picked up developement.


Hydrogenaudio Thread

Source Code

GitHub Repository


Concepts / In Developement


This component will help you to set up foobar in a way that fits the situation of a party where multiple people can access the pc and everyone is trying to only have "his" music played. Parts of the concept can be found in my post in HA.


Allows you to generate a playlist filled with the Last.Fm Charts of some artist. The plugin loads that artist's charts and searches your database for the tracks contained in the charts and fills a playlist with these in the order presented by the charts